Can Dogs Eat Raspberries? Read Before Sharing With the Pup

Raspberries are some of the delicious berries in my personal opinion. They’re an excellent source of precious nutrients that aren’t restricted to vitamin C, which works miracles for the immune system and improves the iron’s absorption. They’re also exploding with antioxidants, which studies has associated with decreasing the risks of arthritis, cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. Sounds awesome? Wait, before you start sharing with your you have to keep a few more facts about raspberries in mind.

So, can dogs have raspberries?

Yes, raspberries are harmless for dogs to eat, but they have to be served in moderation.

Biologists have observed wolves foraging for berries and they appeared quite to enjoy raspberries. The specific reason behind it is unknown (is it a taste or is animal’s body requires it?) but dogs also appreciate different kinds of berries, raspberries included.

Are raspberries good for dogs?

Although dogs do not require to eat berries for nutrients per se (those needs are typically met with high-quality dog food), raspberries give plenty of health benefits.   

They’re an incredible source of nutrients. Although, while writing this article, I was stunned that data on the nutritional value of raspberries were so inconsistent, and the list of nutrients varies SIGNIFICANTLY from source to source. At we stick with estimations from The United States Department of Agriculture and their Agricultural Research Service. Here’s what it has to say about raspberries: 100g of the raw produce contains only 57 calories, 1.43g of proteins, 12.14g of carbs including 6.4 g of fiber. It also has Calcium, Iron, Vitamin C, and Vitamin A.

The vitamin C is excellent for the immune system and helping the body absorb iron.  The fiber in raspberries is suitable for overweight dogs because it encourages them to feel full with less food and calories. If your pup is keeping a diet, the first several weeks can be harsh because – it takes time to feel less hunger.  Low-calorie but rich in fiber food like raspberries can help them to relieve the hunger cramps.

This berries also bursting with antioxidants, which research has linked to reducing the risks of cancer, arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes. All in all, sounds like a healthy treat for your pup.

Are raspberries poisonous to dogs?

With all due respect for raspberries awesomeness, It’s important to mention that raspberries hold one of the most substantial levels of natural xylitol, found in many fruits, berries, and veggies, as well as other human food products. Although natural xylitol is harmless for humans, it can be poisonous to canines and can trigger the development of hypoglycemia and some other liver conditional, which might be life-threatening if neglected.

How many raspberries is OK to give my dog?

Scared by the previous section of this guide? Don’t worry! It doesn’t mean that raspberries are toxic to your pup, but you should only serve them to your dog in moderation.  

Dogs don’t thrive on surplus, especially the extreme amount of food. Whether you’re oversupplying them with their regular food or its just a raspberries case, their stomach and guts are going to revolt. Expect loose stool or diarrhea.

The proper serving size depends on your dog’s mass. For larger dogs, the serving up to 10 berries will be perfect. Smaller dogs can have a maximum of up to thee to six raspberries per day.  Consider berries as an occasional light snack rather than something regular.

My dog ate too many raspberries. What should I do?

Watch your pup first for those nasty consequences. Possible gastrointestinal side effects that might occur from feeding your dog the fruit are vomiting, diarrhea, and constipation. Noticed any of it? Give a call to your vet to consult on what to do next. And expect that the doc will ask for the details on the exact amount of eaten berries.

Dogs and raspberries. Summary

Raspberries contain few calories and tons of fiber that helps to improve a dog’s digestive system. Along with vitamins and antioxidants, which are great for dogs, particularly senior dogs, due to anti-inflammatory qualities that can help ease joint discomfort.  Therefore those berries are safe for dogs to eat, but they should be served in small amounts only, especially keeping in mind those natural xylitol’s levels.

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