You’ve heard the modern-day adage: “Stay hydrated!” That also applies to your dog. Ensure there is plenty of clean, fresh water on hand, especially in hot weather. However, is it conceivable for your dog to drink too much water?
As crucial as avoiding dehydration is, there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. Unfortunately, many dog owners, and even some veterinarians, are unaware that an excess of water in a dog’s system can cause terrifying symptoms and even death. But for now, we’ll concentrate on the minor side effects and see if drinking too much water causes bloat in dogs.
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Here's what we'll cover:
What exactly is dog bloat?
Bloat occurs when a dog’s stomach becomes overfilled with gas, food, or liquids, causing it to expand. Other organs are put under stress as a result of the stomach. It can lead to a variety of serious issues, including:
- Blood flow to their heart and stomach lining has been reduced.
- A tear in their stomach wall
- Breathing difficulties
In some situations, the dog’s stomach will spin or twist, a condition known as gastric dilatation-volvulus by veterinarians (GSV). It clogs the stomach and prevents blood from returning to the heart and other parts of the body. This can cause your dog to go into shock.
What are the early symptoms of bloat in a dog?
Bloat symptoms usually appear suddenly and progress swiftly. For example, a dog may pant, pace, drool, or look as it’s trying to vomit without being able to do it. Anxiety and stomach distention are common symptoms as well. Dogs with severe cases may collapse, have an increased heart rate, and/or pale gums.
Bloat in dogs: what causes it?
Bloat and GDV in dogs are unclear causes, but some risk factors may enhance the likelihood of bloat.
While bloat can develop in any dog, the following risk factors enhance the likelihood of bloat in dogs:
- Weighing more than 99 pounds raises the risk by around 20%.
- The age (Older dogs are at higher risk)
- Having a large chest
- Exercise shortly following a meal.
- Having a close family who has been diagnosed with bloat
- Eating from a higher-up food bowl
- Consuming dry food that contains fat or oil as one of the first four elements
- And, consuming big amounts of food or water in a short time.
Is it possible for dogs to become bloated from drinking too much water?
Drinking a considerable amount of water at once, especially if followed by exercise, increases the risk of bloat and GDV. It is preferable to provide moderate amounts of water and limit drinking to 30 minutes before any strenuous exercise. Small bowls of water placed around the house can help keep a dog from guzzling too much water at once.
How to prevent stomach bloat in dogs?
When it comes to coping with the disease, large-breed dog owners should not give up. If you suspect your dog is prone to bloat, talk to your doctor about it; there are things you may take to attempt to prevent it.
In addition to preventing some of the potential causes of bloat, you can do the following:
Keep an eye on your pet’s eating habits—feeding numerous pets simultaneously might cause anxiety and a desire to eat quicker due to rivalry.
Purchase a “bloat bowl” for your dog; it aids in portion management and reduces its time to eat kibble.
Feed your dog two to three times a day instead of once a day.
Reduce the amount of water in your dog’s bowl before and immediately after eating and exercising—a whole bowl can contribute to excessive drinking.
Suppose your dog begins to show signs of bloat, keep a bottle of liquid Gas-X or Mylanta with simethicone on hand—as long as your dog is capable of swallowing it. In that case, the anti-frothing, anti-gas agent in the over-the-counter medication can help your dog feel more comfortable. At the same time, you rush him to the veterinarian for proper treatment.
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