In a nutshell, if you wanted to know if your dog can eat pancakes, the answer would be yes.
Though, you must first check the ingredients of the particular product you are going to use. While basic pancakes will not hurt your dog, they may be harmful if they contain specific components such as chocolate chips. Let’s dig deeper.
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Here's what we'll cover:
Can dogs eat plain pancakes?
Yes, plain pancakes are usually fine for dogs to eat and are not poisonous, but they’re also not healthy. A 100 g portion of plain pancakes contains about 277 calories, 59 mg of cholesterol, 10 g of fat, and 439 mg of sodium (for a dog weighing about 30 pounds, the daily requirement is 100 mg).
Are pancakes good for dogs?
The primary ingredients of pancakes are salt, sugar, baking soda, eggs, milk, vegetable oil, and all-purpose flour. Neither one of those is dangerous to dogs, so a pancake won’t harm your dog. However, the ingredients aren’t very healthy for pets. This suggests you should not feed your dog with too many pancakes or turn it into a habit.
Can dogs eat blueberry pancakes? Or with syrup?
If you want to give your dog that pancake no matter what, make sure that it’s plain (although Blueberry feels healthy-ish, it only adds extra sugar and maybe some nasty artificial ingredients). With these ingredients, a life-threatening condition will undoubtedly affect your dog. After consuming any product containing these ingredients, some life-threatening conditions will definitely affect your dog in the long run.
If you want to make to incorporate pancake as a dog treat no extra components should be added to your pancake. Among other unhealthy extras: butter, whipped cream, and syrups, including those high in sugars (such as maple) and sugar-free versions (containing harmful xylitol).
Dog and pancakes. Summary
You can feed your dog a piece of pancake, but make sure it’s not becoming a regular occurrence. Just as people should not eat pancakes daily, you should not feed them every day to your dog. And if you ask your vet about it, he will definitely tell you that it’s not an excellent idea to give pancake to your dog. It won’t hurt your dog until they have no harmful ingredients. Don’t make pancake food a habit.
But please, do not create a habit of pancake-eating. While delicious, pancakes do not give your dog any nutritional benefits apart from empty calories, sugars, sodium, and additional cholesterol. This makes overfeeding your dog simple.
While pancakes are safe to your dog, it’s worth keeping an eye on his response. If it’s bad (e.g., pancakes give your pup gas, diarrhea, nausea, etc.), then stop feeding them. If your dog has any troubling side effects after eating pancakes, be prepared to bring him to the veterinarian as quickly as possible.
Credits: thanks for the cover photo to Mae Mu from Unsplash