Tear staining is more commonly seen on white pets, but it can occur on any color pet. It turns the coat around the eyes brown, crimson, or copper in color. Tear staining has long been thought to be caused by epiphora (excessive tear production). However, this is not always the case. And if you’ve heard that one of the causes of tear stains in dogs and want to know if it’s true, you’ve come to the right place.
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Here's what we'll cover:
What causes dog tear stain?
Tear stains are created by a colored molecule excreted as waste by a dog’s body. This waste product is known as porphyrins, produced by red blood cells. 1
Iron, which is a dark reddish-brownish color and transports oxygenated blood, is found in porphyrins. This explains why tear stains are crimson in color.
When there is a buildup of porphyrin in the dog’s system, this waste product is usually removed through the digestive system. Still, it may also be excreted through urine, saliva, and tears.
Internal or environmental stimuli can induce an accumulation of porphyrins and stimulate excessive tear production, a condition known as Epiphora.
The most prevalent medical causes of tear staining in dogs, according to Mercola Healthy Pets, include, but are not limited to:
- Eyelash encrustation
- Inverted eyelid
- Acute eye infection
- Very big tear glands
- Brachycephalic syndrome
- Infection of the ears
- Medications
- Diet of poor quality
- Secondhand smoking
- Food bowls made of plastic
- Stress
- Teething
Be aware that tear stains will intensify/darken in the presence of sunshine.
Tear stains form when a dog’s tears gather under the eyes, creating the ideal environment for germs or yeast to flourish.
Additionally, tear overproduction causes chemical waste (porphyrins) in their tears to soak into their fur, resulting in tear stains. This illness can be caused by excessive watery discharge and moisture in the eye or other bodily regions.
While tear staining in dogs is usually harmless, it can potentially signify a more significant underlying health issue. Tear staining can be caused by eye infections such as glaucoma, conjunctivitis, ingrown eyelashes, and entropion.
If you see your dog’s tears staining, immediately take him to a veterinary ophthalmologist to rule out any health issues. Tear stains in dogs can also occur due to sensitivities such as food, allergies, or even teething.
Tear staining in dogs can be caused by a variety of situations. On the other hand, this article will focus on how a dog’s nutrition and food might assist in increasing or avoiding this condition (particularly chicken).
What foods produce dog tear stains?
Corn, wheat, other grains used as fillers in low-quality foods do not promote long-term health and might induce allergic reactions, resulting in excessive tearing and other issues.
Does chicken cause tear stains in dogs?
Food allergies can induce eye discharge by compromising the immune system and causing various unpleasant symptoms. Animal proteins (including chicken and beef) are among the most prevalent allergies in dogs, believe it or not. So, if your dog is allergic to chicken, it will almost certainly leave tear stains.
What is the best dog food for getting rid of tear stains?
Is it possible to find the best dog food for tear stains? If so, what does it entail?
A good rule of thumb is to make sure your dog is eating a balanced and species-appropriate diet and drinking fresh, filtered water. This keeps your dog from ingesting excess iron (porphyrins) or contaminants that could cause tear staining.
Many dog food companies just satisfy the AAFCO’s minimal nutrient criteria. Still, you want a dog food that goes above and beyond to exceed these needs.
The best dog food for preventing tear stains should benefit your dog’s overall health, digestion, and ability to filter out toxins. To minimize placing stress on your dog’s liver, you want Fido to eat as clean and healthy as possible. In addition, creating a toxin-free environment in your dog’s stomach may help remove or prevent tear stains.
According to the American Kennel Club, the best way to prevent these unsightly stains in dogs is to feed a high-quality, grain-free diet. In addition, avoid tap water because it contains high levels of minerals, iron, and other contaminants, such as chlorine and fluoride, which are hazardous to dogs. Consider using a dog water dispenser with a filter to eliminate chlorine, sediments, and odor from your pet’s drinking water to eliminate tear stains.
Tear stains are frequently caused by extra toxins created by hard-to-digest diets, including highly processed kibble ingredients. So fresh dog food reduces the amount of indigestible chemicals that your dog will have to detoxify. And as following reduced the risks of the appearance of those nasty tear stains.
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Thanks for the blog graphics: Canva.com
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