Is your female dog leaking clear odorless fluid? Doesn’t that happen to only pregnant dogs? Yes and no. Just like seeing a young, pregnant dog leaking clear fluid is normal, seeing an old or spayed female dog leaking clear fluid is also 100% normal. In other words, female dogs of all ages can leak fluids, even after they have their ovaries and uteruses removed.
If you are wondering why your young, old, spayed, or un-spayed female dog is leaking clear fluid (like countless female dog owners on the Internet), I’m here to help. I will break down the most common reasons why female dogs leak clear sticky fluid. Before that, check out this handy chart that lists all the possible reasons why fluid leakage happens in female dogs:
Type of Female Dog | Common Reasons for Clear Fluid Leakage |
Spayed | Urinary incontinence is the most common medical condition that causes spayed female dogs to leak clear sticky fluid out of their private parts. |
Un-spayed | Urinary tract infectionsPregnancy or birth-related complicationsCancerHormonal disordersHeatTrauma or injury to the vaginaVaginal tumorsVulvar cancer |
Young | Anal gland leakageViruses (canine herpesvirus, brucellosis, etc.)A defect in the urinary tract, vulva, or vaginaBacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections Juvenile vaginitisVaginal tumors Trauma to the vagina during matingHormonal disordersCancerPregnancy or birth-related complicationsUrinary tract infections |
Old | Vaginal tumorsTrauma to the vaginaHormonal disordersVaginal cancerReproductive system complicationsBacterial, fungal, or parasitic infectionsUrinary tract infections |
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Here's what we'll cover:
- Why is My Female Dog Leaking Clear Fluid?
- Is Clear Fluid Leakage a “Normal” Part of Aging for Female Dogs?
- Female dog leaking clear odorless fluid. FAQ
- Q: What is vaginal discharge in dogs?
- Q: Why is my female dog leaking clear odorless fluid?
- Q: What causes a dog to leak clear fluid?
- Q: Should I take my dog to the vet if she is leaking clear fluid?
- Q: Can spayed dogs still leak clear fluid?
- Q: Is it normal for a dog to leak clear fluid while sleeping?
- Q: What could be the possible causes for a dog leaking clear odorless fluid?
- Q: Is clear fluid discharge in dogs a sign of something wrong?
- Q: Should I be concerned if my dog’s clear fluid discharge changes color?
- Q: At what age do female dogs typically start leaking clear fluid?
- Final Take
Why is My Female Dog Leaking Clear Fluid?
Now that you have a general idea about the different diseases that cause female dogs to leak clear odorless fluid, let’s dive deep into the most common causes:
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary incontinence is by far the most common cause of female dogs leaking clear odorless fluids and other unwanted discharges. It typically occurs in spayed female canines and in older dogs. These types of dogs suffer from estrogen deficiency which weakens their urinary sphincter muscles.
Congenital anomalies, neurological damage, urethral disorders, and bladder dysfunction can also cause urinary incontinence in female dogs. German Shepherds, Doberman Pinschers, Rottweilers, Dalmatians, Old English Sheepdogs, and Collies are breeds that are more likely to develop urinary incontinence after spaying or in old age.
Dogs suffering from estrogen-responsive incontinence are treated with estrogen supplements and phenylpropanolamine: a drug that strengthens the muscles that control the urethral sphincter.
Recessed Sexual Organs
A recessed or hypoplastic sexual organ is a structural defect found in female dogs. It is genetic in nature and it triggers overgrowth in the skin surrounding the female dog’s sexual organs. When the dog urinates, the overgrown skin traps moisture and creates the perfect setting for bacterial infections.
To prevent such dogs from leaking fluid or catching bacterial infections, vets prescribe a mixture of topical and oral antibiotics. They also recommend a surgical procedure called Vulvoplasty to correct the skin defect.
Vaginitis means inflammation of the female genitalia, and in dogs, it happens in two forms: juvenile and adult-onset vaginitis. Juvenile vaginitis happens to female puppies before their first cycle and they typically beat the disease on their own. Adult-onset vaginitis happens to female dogs after they’ve had their first cycle. Adult dogs may need oral antibiotics or surgical vaginal corrections to treat this disease. Both of these forms of infections are caused by E. coli, yeast, and bacteria.
Urinary Tract Infections (UTI)
Urinary tract infections are the most common cause of old female dogs leaking clear fluid. These infections inflame the lower/upper portions of the dog’s urinary tract. This inflammation leads to the secretion of unwanted discharges, painful urination, and unconscious urine dripping. UTIs are typically found in both spayed and unsprayed, older female dogs (+8 years).
Unless the UTIs are symptoms of a larger, systemic disease in the female dog, they can be treated with antibiotics. However, if female dogs get gallbladder stones, tumors, or other serious diseases on top of their UTIs, they will need more comprehensive treatment.
Bum Glands Expression
Ever noticed your dog sniffing another dog’s butt? Of course, you have. All dogs do it. But, why? Well, located on the bums of all dogs, including your female dog, is a pair of glands. These glands are known as the “bum glands.” Each gland is located on either side of the bum hole and they produce scented fluids that are unique to each dog.
In healthy female dogs, these fluids are clear and odorless. Healthy female dogs also release small amounts of these fluids whenever they pass feces. However, a long list of health problems pop up whenever these bum glands fail to empty themselves. The fluids inside the glands keep accumulating and sooner or later, they become infected.
Bacterial or fungal infections can cause clear and odorless fluids to turn smelly, yellowish-brown, and oily. Even worse, the infections may inflame your dog’s bum sac and cause a lot of pain. This condition is known as “bum sac disease” and the best way to treat it is to have a vet surgically remove the two glands.
Bum sac disease can affect dogs of all ages. So, if your young female dog is not leaking clear fluid, but a yellowish-brown fluid: have her reviewed for bum sac disease.
Is Clear Fluid Leakage a “Normal” Part of Aging for Female Dogs?
No! Never mistake fluid leakage as a normal part of aging for your female dog. Yes, older female dogs are likelier to experience health conditions that trigger incontinence. But, female dogs can recover from conditions like weakened urinary sphincter muscles or UTIs while stopping all the leakage. Fluid leakage is a condition that can be effectively managed with the right veterinary care.
Female dog leaking clear odorless fluid. FAQ
Q: What is vaginal discharge in dogs?
A: Vaginal discharge in dogs is the release of fluid from the female dog’s vagina. It can vary in appearance, consistency, and smell depending on various factors.
Q: Why is my female dog leaking clear odorless fluid?
A: If your female dog is leaking clear odorless fluid, it could be a normal occurrence. Clear and odorless discharge is usually seen in healthy female dogs during their heat cycle.
Q: What causes a dog to leak clear fluid?
A: Dogs can leak clear fluid from their vagina due to various reasons, such as being in heat, experiencing a false pregnancy, or having a urinary tract infection.
Q: Should I take my dog to the vet if she is leaking clear fluid?
A: If you notice your dog leaking clear fluid, it is advisable to take her to the vet for a proper examination. The vet will be able to determine the cause of the discharge and provide appropriate treatment if necessary.
Q: Can spayed dogs still leak clear fluid?
A: Spayed dogs usually do not experience heat cycles and should not have vaginal discharge. If your spayed dog is leaking clear fluid, it is best to consult your vet to rule out any underlying issues.
Q: Is it normal for a dog to leak clear fluid while sleeping?
A: Dogs may leak clear fluid while sleeping, especially during their heat cycle. However, if the discharge is excessive or if your dog shows other concerning symptoms, it is recommended to consult your vet.
Q: What could be the possible causes for a dog leaking clear odorless fluid?
A: There are several possible causes for a dog leaking clear odorless fluid, including being in heat, experiencing a false pregnancy, having a urinary tract infection, or even having a foreign object in the vaginal area. It is important to have your dog checked by a vet to determine the exact cause.
Q: Is clear fluid discharge in dogs a sign of something wrong?
A: Clear fluid discharge in dogs can be a normal part of their reproductive cycle. However, if the discharge is accompanied by other clinical signs or if it is persistent and not a part of the normal estrus cycle, it could be a sign of an underlying health issue. Consulting with a vet is recommended to rule out any potential problems.
Q: Should I be concerned if my dog’s clear fluid discharge changes color?
A: While clear fluid discharge is usually normal, any change in color, particularly if it becomes green or foul-smelling, could indicate an infection or other health issue. It is important to have your dog checked by a veterinarian in such cases.
Q: At what age do female dogs typically start leaking clear fluid?
A: Female dogs typically start experiencing their first heat cycle around 6 months of age. This is when they may start leaking clear fluid as a normal part of their reproductive process.
Final Take
It is totally normal for you to catch your female dog leaking clear fluid once a year. But, signs of consistent leakage should immediately prompt a checkup at your vet. The veterinarian will diagnose the underlying root of the leakage and recommend appropriate treatment. Don’t take the “wait and see” approach and schedule an appointment with your vet today!
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