Some sources would say that mustard proposes some significant health benefits to dogs, but you’ve been told that it is harmful to canines as well. So, which story to believe?
Apparently, both versions are correct. In some forms the mustard is healthy and in others – it can be poisonous. For instance, dogs can freely eat mustard greens, as long as they are appropriately cooked. But at the same time, the seeds of mustard are toxic.
So, can dogs have mustard?
Yes, if we are talking about mustard greens and definitely no if it’s mustard seeds.
Mustard greens along with other cruciferous veggies, such as broccoli and cabbage, are a decent pup’s food options and add lot’s of health benefits to the table, including nutrients like phosphorus and potassium plus reasonable amount of fiber.
But never give it to your dog raw. As it can be challenging for a pet’s body to process it and in the long run it will lead to suppressing a pup’s thyroid function.
Steamed till soft or mashed into unseasoned puree mustard greens will be much safer for your dog to eat, more comfortable to digest and speed up the absorption of all its nutrients, vitamins, and antioxidants.
Is mustard bad for dogs?
While steamed mustard greens are ok for dogs, never feed them with mustard seeds.
Those are toxic to dogs. When a dog overeats mustard seeds, they may suffer from various forms of inflammation, including the pains in the intestinal tract and stomach.
Small dogs may begin to display troubling signs indicating that they’ve overeaten the mustard seeds faster than big canines. The size will define how much mustard seep your pup might eat before gastroenteritis grows into a serious issue.
Here are some symptoms to watch out:
- Diarrhea, especially if it’s not a single accident,
- Vomiting,
- Pain in the dog’s abdomen, especially when pressed.
These signs are a clear indication that your pup ate too much of those toxic mustard seeds. And if the symptoms last more than a few hours, you might have to pay a visit to your vet.
My dog ate mustard. What to do?
A tiny portion of yellow mustard won’t do much harm or cause apparent health problems, a more significant serving of mustard will most likely make your pup ill. Serving your dog mustard seeds can lead to severe diarrhea, vomiting, and other problems.
Vomiting can lead to dehydration and electrolyte inequalities that, in some severe cases, can even kill your pet.
So if your dog ate mustard, it is a good idea to ask for veterinary attention as soon as possible. Your vet will most likely cause vomiting to reduce the absorption of toxic compounds. The quicker it will happen the greater chance that your pup will avoid severe health complications.
How to make a dog vomit with mustard?
To decrease the potential health consequences when your dog ate to much of toxic compounds the vet may allow you to make a dog vomit with mustard yourself.
Here’s how you do it: mix two teaspoons of any type (but with NO SEEDS) of mustard with water and give it to your dog to initiate the vomiting. But you should never start the procedure without speaking to your vet first.
Dogs and mustard. Summary
Yes, a small amount of traditional yellow mustard or steamed mustard greens won’t do much harm to the dog, it is always a great idea to avoid the food that potentially can be toxic for your pet altogether.
As it can lead to stomach pains, issues with digestion, diarrhea, etc.. If you believe your pup has eaten something questionable, e.g., mustard seeds, contact your veterinarian and ask for help.
Credits: thanks for the cover photo to Vikramjit Kakati from Pixabay