Nectarines are a peach-like fruit with a smooth rather than fuzzy skin that many of us enjoy during the summer months. If you are like many pet parents, your dog may see you eating this fruit and want to try some nectarine too. However, before giving your dog any of your nectarines, you want to be sure that it is something your pet can safely eat. So, read on.
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Are dogs allergic to nectarines?

Most dogs are not allergic to nectarines and actually enjoy eating this fruit as an occasional treat. However, like humans, every dog is different, and some dogs may indeed have an allergy to this fruit. If you know your dog is allergic to peaches, then avoid feeding them nectarines because they are likely allergic to this fruit as well.
But what if your dog has never tried a peach or nectarine and you don’t know if he is allergic or not? You can try giving him a small piece or two and watch to make sure that he has no allergic reaction before giving him any more.
Allergy symptoms may include excessive scratching, cough, sneezing, running eyes, among others. Should your dog exhibit allergy symptoms after ingesting nectarines, then consult your veterinarian immediately.
You also want to make sure that you remove the pit before giving any nectarine to your pet. It contains a poison called cyanide and could also cause a blockage if swallowed whole.

Are nectarines good for dogs?
When given in moderate amounts as part of your dog’s overall healthy diet, nectarines can be good for your dog. This fruit has a lot of nutritional value, including vitamins A, Bs, and C as well as antioxidants that are good for muscles, bones, tissues, and much more.
They are also rich in fiber and can help to keep your pet regular. Just make sure to remove the pits of any nectarine before giving them to your dog.
And please opt-in for organic nectarines too. As established by old but sound studies from the Environmental Working Group, nectarines can be very high in pesticides. 94% of studied samples contained traces of more than 15 different types of pesticides.

Can dogs eat nectarine skin?
Dogs can consume nectarine skin as well as fruit. In fact, you can find most of the fruit’s antioxidants in the skin. To serve your dog nectarines, you should first remove the pit and then cut the fruit up into small pieces.
Keep in mind that the nectarine should never take the place of your pet’s regular diet, but only given as a treat along with pup’s regular healthy high protein food.

Can dogs eat white nectarines?
As long as the pits are removed (and you made sure that it’s an organic fruit), your dog can eat white nectarines as well as the nectarines with the more yellow-colored fruit.
In fact, because white nectarines are less acidic. But they also contain more sugar, so this fruit should only be fed to your dog as a treat on occasion, not as part of their daily diet.

Can dogs eat canned nectarines?
It is not recommended that you feed your dog canned nectarines at any time. You would typically use high amounts of sugar for canning. And too much sugar is bad for a dog just as it is terrible for people.
Besides, manufacturers would add more questionable ingredients (for instance, sucralose) to the canned fruit to prolong its shelf life. So it is always best to avoid serving any canned human foods to your pet.

Can nectarines be bad for dogs?

Yes, there are times when nectarines can be bad for your dog. While the flesh of an organic nectarine can be and is often healthy for dogs when given to them in moderation, the pits of this fruit are extremely bad for your dog.
Not only do nectarine pits contain traces of cyanide that can cause your dog to become sick if consumed in quantity. Those also pose a choking hazard and, if swallowed whole, may cause an obstruction in your dog’s bowel.
Overripe nectarines are also not good for your dog to consume. As well as canned nectarines that are too high in sugar and contain additives that are may not be healthy for your dog.

My dog ate a nectarine pit, what should I do?
If your dog has consumed a nectarine pit, then it is best to contact your veterinarian immediately. This pit may cause an obstruction in your dog’s bowel once it passes the stomach. The vet might want you to induce vomiting if your dog if the incident has just happened.
If some time has elapsed, he may either advise you to bring the dog to be checked or watch him at home for any signs of discomfort or difficulty in passing his stool or eating.

Can dogs have nectarines? Conclusion
To summarize, overall, it usually is safe for your dog to eat nectarines once the pits have been removed as long as they are not allergic to this fruit. However, you do need to limit the serving size and make sure that you only give him fresh organic nectarines.
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