Man’s best friend will often share in the indulgence of ‘human’ food by all means. Whether it’s stealing food from the table or puppy-eyeing the scraps after a meal.
However, different opinions exist on which ‘human’ foods can be good or bad for dogs. Even some vets might have conflicting thoughts about the same food sometimes.
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Of course, the question of being good or bad will depend on a few factors, including the size and general health of your dog and also the quantity of food being consumed.
Below we have answered a few common questions which might help you to decide if it’s safe for your dog to consume one of the most popular sauces of all times: ranch dressing.
Is ranch bad for dogs?
The short answer is no, not exactly. Depending on the manufacturer (or recipe), the ranch dressing contains specific ingredients that could be harmful to your dog.
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Amongst the most common ranch ingredients are milk, mustard, herbs, onion, and garlic. Many pups happened to be intolerant to lactose. But it’s getting worse: onion and garlic are both extremely toxic to dogs. And although a serving of ranch is low in these ingredients, it is not recommended to allow your dog to consume any of them.
A general reaction will likely be an upset stomach. However, other serious complications can occur, including anemia (due to destruction of red blood cells), weakness, skin problems, difficulty breathing. And in some extreme cases, an urgent blood transfusion might be needed.
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Are there potential benefits from ranch dressing for dogs?
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture and their food database, 100g of your standard ranch will typically contain 321 calories. It will be high in saturated fats (3.57g or 32.14 total fats) and sodium (571mg) but not much of anything else.
So on top of dangerous ingredients, there are absolutely no added health benefits for your dog in the dressing. Let’s face it, the ranch not that healthy for humans, let alone dogs.

Can dogs have an allergic reaction to ranch dressing?
It is definitely a possibility that a dog can experience an allergic reaction if consuming ranch. Onions, milk, and garlic have been known to initiate allergic (and other adverse) responses in dogs.

My dog ate ranch dressing. What should I do next?
The best course of action is to double-check the quantity you think they have consumed. The pup could get his paws on the BBQ table in the yard to wolf down a whole bowl. In that case, you have to contact your vet immediately to double-check their advice.
Or if you are not a fan of queuing, commuting, holding the line, and overpaying the vet you might try asking the certified vet your question online.
They may ask you to let them know the ingredients of the dressing, so it’s best to have these on hand. If you have a small, old, or ill dog, the doctor may suggest bringing them in for testing or observation. Still, the likely scenario is that they will advise you to keep a close eye on the dog over the next 24-48 hours to make sure there are no symptoms of poisoning or illness.

So, in summary, can dogs have ranch?
It’s recommended not to take any risk and keep meals and food containing ranch well away from your dog. However, a small dose (no more than a tablespoon) for an average-sized, healthy dog should not be something to be concerned about if accidentally consumed. But it should be avoided at all costs, though.
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