5 Ways to Use the Castor Oil for Dogs: for Skin, Eyes, Ears, and More

Castor oil represents a substance used for its therapeutic properties for many centuries. Its benefits include constipation relief, hair loss prevention, fungal disease treatment, and, as surprising as it might seem, scientists even research its role in eliminating non-cancerous tumors, warts, or cysts.

Castor oil is derived from the seeds of the castor oil plant, and it can be used in so many ways. Still, the most impressive usage of castor oil is for dog care. It is believed to be efficient for soothing and treating skin issues, for dealing with fleas in ticks, or even for preventing or eliminating cancerous growths. But let’s dig deeper. 

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Is castor oil good for dogs?

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Yes, castor oil can be beneficial for dogs. Vets advise that castor oil can be used for your pet’s health problems, such as skin conditions, or benign growths. Also, because of its high content of ricinoleic acid, it can flush out toxins from your dog’s body or any poisonous compounds present in its tissues. 

Can castor oil be poisonous to dogs?

If used as instructed by your vet, castor oil can be safe for dogs. Keep in mind that in most situations’ specialists recommend only using castor oil externally. When used internally, it can indeed be toxic for canines, as it was established by Japanese researches.

Upon injection in dogs, blood pressure decreased, flush, swelling, and itching appeared. 

1993, Toxicology Research Laboratories, Fujisawa Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Osaka, Japan.

 If you are planning to use castor oil for your dog, it is highly recommended to follow the instructions provided by your vet. 

Castor oil uses for dogs

Castor oil for dog tumors

Castor oil is believed to be effective in dealing with abnormal skin growths. Depending on the type of tumor, applying castor oil for a couple of days will solve the issue.

Vets say that it is safe to use castor oil on the eyelid, yet you should avoid as much as possible leakage into the eye. Also, experts say that castor oil for dogs tumors can be efficient even if the growth is inside the nose or mouth. 

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Castor oil for dog’s skin

Dogs can have a wide array of skin conditions, starting with allergies, and ending up with extreme dryness due to weather. Castor oil for a dog’s skin can be efficient in soothing, such problems because of its high content of undecylenic acid.

This is an unsaturated fatty acid, that offers healing properties to castor oil, and makes it great for dealing with irritations caused by fungus.

Castor oil for dog’s eyes

Castor oil is believed to be great for cataracts, as it is efficient in dealing with the oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Anyhow, it is best to ask for veterinary advice before using castor oil for your dog’s eyes. Depending on how severe the problem is, the vet might recommend a specific dosage and usage of castor oil.

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Castor oil for dog’s constipation

Castor oil can act as a natural laxative. Yet it is best to use this remedy for only a week at a time and feed your dog only a limited amount of castor oil. Excessive quantities of this oil can worsen a dog’s condition and lead to excessive vomiting.

If you want to aid your dog with constipation, experts advise a small quantity (around half of the teaspoon) of castor oil. But first consult with your vet, of course.

Or you can check services like “Just ask” to get online support related to your pet’s health from highly qualified veterinarians within minutes. No more appointments are required. And you don’t need to pay ridiculous vet’s fees anymore. Get unlimited online support for your pet instantly.

Castor oil for dog ear infection

Due to it’s antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties, castor oil can be useful as a natural remedy for a dog’s ear infection. But, it is best to ask for medical advice before applying the oil around or inside your dog’s ear. Because some dogs can develop quite a sensitivity to this oil, which can ultimately lead to an allergic reaction.

My dog licked castor oil. What’s next? 

If your dog licked a small quantity of this oil, your pet might not experience severe adverse effects. Make sure your dog drinks plenty of water, and that you monitor pup’s wellbeing for at least two days to see if there is any change in the pet’s mood.

Anyhow, if your dog ingested a significant quantity of castor oil, he might experience adverse effects such as diarrhea, vomiting, or extreme weakness. It is best to go for a vet checkup if you find yourself in this situation.

Castor oil and dogs. Summary

To sum up, castor oil can be an excellent natural remedy for various dog’s health issues, and it proved quite efficient. It can offer several therapeutic benefits and keep your furry friend healthy and happy if used externally according to the guidelines. However, when in doubt, you should always consult your veterinarian for additional help. Or if you want to skip queuing, committing, holding the line, and save on the vets’ fees you might try to ask the vets any question online. And, of course, don’t try to substitute dog-specific treatments and vitamins with castor oil exclusively.

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