Tips on How to Potty Train a Dog: Real Life Examples

Based on people’s real life experience, you can learn how to potty train a dog by example. While the experts have their theories, dog owners seem to know best when it comes to this fundamental problem.

Tiago and Hawking

This story about how to potty train a dog husky, Hawking, whom did my neighbor Tiago adopt for some months. Guess what? Hawking popped inside. Even when the dog was walked outdoors, accidents still occurred. These were especially problematic at night, even when the pup was let out at midnight. The neighbor tried to make a big deal out of pooping outdoors for encouragement, but it wasn’t working. Indoor activity was like clockwork. Furthermore, it seemed that the dog was going all too often for his size. Two feedings a day shouldn’t have produced such lavish results.

The amount and frequency of food could not have been the entire problem, but if you ever experience something similar it is always worth looking at the brand you are using and maybe switch to wheat-free kibble. A vet can also steer you straight on a potty training course if all else fails. Early evening feedings might also be better than 8:00pm so the dog will digest the food before the long night ahead. By the end of the day Tiago managed to resolve the problem with trainings since the general rule of thumb is that dogs do not poop where they sleep.

Hank and Milo

Hank’s adopted dog Milo was a black lab that he acquired at the age of one year. Hank had no idea how to potty train a dog as well as Milo, whom has never been taught. Sure, Hank walks him and never leaves him alone. Dog gets adequate food and water, plus he has a couple of cats as playmates and a nice pile of toys. He can avail himself of a paddling pool now and then. So why does he smash and destroys things—even on table tops and in drawers?

You should never allow such activity to progress, just because a dog is doing it. Animals need control—and rules to follow. Even when it comes down to how to potty train a dog, not a puppy, animals are like children in this regard. Owners have to take charge and become the “pack leader.” Boundaries have to be set such as staying off the furniture or beds, no jumping, and the like. A firm, consistent tone of voice is all it should take to keep pets in line. A dog like Milo must not be allowed to ignore commands, especially when her name is called. A tip here is to make sure a destructive dog is getting enough regular exercise and is able to run off excess energy. Follow through with training is extremely important.

Tom and Oscar

Oscar was a rescued dog and Tom was pretty happy with the initial adaptation at home. Until the dog started peeing indoors when no one was home. The tactic to potty train a dog, in this case, is simple. You need to keep the dog within a gated area or somehow confined. You need to walk the pet regularly and not leave him too long. You can’t expect results if you come home late every night. Don’t miss bedtime either. This practice must be frequent and preferably at the same time of day. If you absolutely can’t be there, let a neighbor or friend help out.

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